

2 years into a global pandemic, it was time to step back and attempt to codify the massive cultural shifts we were all feeling into three discrete trends with the impact they each had on consumers, capabilities, and opportunities for brands.



While accellerationism has been the norm for years, trying to make sense of the new world we were all in seemed a daunting task. To combat the expected incredulity of viewers, the maximalist, frenetic pace of the world, could be embraced to show how all of the seemingly disparate fashions and fads coalesce into 3 powerful, overarching trends.



As part of the effort to launch a new forecasting offering, an interactive world was built from all of the cultural inputs driving our macro trends. Different sections of this world were constructed from the forces driving each of those trends, allowing users to immerse themselves in a trend area, and unpack the forces, opportunities, consumer behavior and brand opportunities driving it.



After launching the private, interactive microsite alongside a webinar that were the culmination of a months long teaser campaign on social channels, designed to generate interest and leads for the foresight practice, significant interest was generated leading to follow ups with major media outlets as well as huge consumer brands.